Facility Information



(636) 343-0340

MO  63026






6 Weeks - 5 Years



Inspection Information


8:10 AM

11:45 AM





Inspection determined facility to be in compliance with rules.
Open Violations: 23
Attendance at Time of Inspection
Total Staff 7
Total Children 22
StaffChildClass AgeNote
2 5 INFANTS AND TODDLERS Ms Jennifer Adkins and Ms Amanda Miller were present with 5 children, ages 13wks - 13mo.
1 4 INFANTS AND TODDLERS Ms Hillary Flora was present with 4 children, ages 23 mo - 2 yrs
1 3 INFANTS AND TODDLERS Ms Emily Shucks was present with 3 children, ages 15-19mo
2 0 NO CHILDREN IN ATTENDANCE Ms Taylor Briggs, director, and Ms Tracey Bowman were also present at the facility during this inspection.
1 10 PRESCHOOL Ms Jennifer Watts was present with 10 children, ages 3-5yrs.

19 CSR 30-60.020 Application for Annual Fire Safety and Health and Sanitation Inspections and Inspection Procedures
 Provider Comments
Background screening was not on file for personnel as evidenced by screening results were not maintained on file at the facility.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.020 Application for Annual Fire Safety and Health and Sanitation Inspections and Inspection Procedures 5 states: The facility director shall request a child abuse/neglect screening from the Department of Social Services for each employee who may come into contact with children during child care hours. The request shall be made within ten (10) days of employment. The results of the screenings shall be maintained in the facility's files.
Correction Required
Required requests/results of current background checks shall be on file.

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Compliance Date

19 CSR 30-60.050 Staffing Requirements
19 CSR 30-60.060 Health Requirements
 Provider Comments
Requirements for children's medical examination reports were not met as evidenced by the medical form did not contain all required information in that the authorization/restriction boxes were not checked and the medical office's information was not present.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.060 Health Requirements 2 states: Within thirty (30) days following the admission of an infant, toddler or preschool child, a physical assessment report signed by a licensed physician or registered professional nurse shall be on file at the facility. The facility may use the department's physical assessment form, MO 580-1878 (6-94), or the facility may use its own form if it contains all the information on the department's form. The report shall have been completed not more than twelve (12) months before admission.
Correction Required
Children's physical assessment reports shall be on file as required.

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Compliance Date

Medical examination reports including TB testing were not on file for caregivers as evidenced by a TB report on file is older than 24 months.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.060 Health Requirements 1 (D) 3 states: After the initial physical assessment, all caregivers working in a facility during child care hours shall be tested for tuberculosis at least every two (2) years. Caregivers with previously positive tuberculin tests shall be under the management of a physician.
Correction Required
Medical/TB reports shall be on file as required.

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Compliance Date

19 CSR 30-60.070 Responsibilities of Caregivers
19 CSR 30-60.080 Fire Safety Requirements
19 CSR 30-60.090 Sanitation Requirements
 Provider Comments
Separation requirements of diapering/hand wash areas from food service were not met as evidenced by diapering was not separate from the food service area.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.090 Sanitation Requirements 3 (F) states: The diapering and hand washing areas shall be separate from food service areas and food-related materials.
Correction Required
Caregivers shall keep food items/supplies separate from diapering items.

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Compliance Date

The disposal of wet or soiled diapers did not meet requirements as evidenced by the disposal container was not airtight.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.090 Sanitation Requirements 3 (E) states: Wet or soiled disposable diapers shall be placed in an airtight disposal container located in the diaper change area and discarded daily. If cloth diapers are used, they shall be stored in airtight plastic bags and removed from the building daily.
Correction Required
Caregivers shall dispose of wet or soiled diapers as required.

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Compliance Date

The facility did not meet the requirements for diapering surfaces. The diapering surface was not cleaned and sanitized after each use.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.090 Sanitation Requirements 3 (C) states: The diapering surface, after each use, shall be cleaned and sanitized with a sanitizer approved by the department.
Correction Required
The facility shall provide diapering surfaces as required.

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Compliance Date

The use of diapering products did not meet requirements as evidenced by products were not labeled with the child's name.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.090 Sanitation Requirements 3 (B) states: Disposable tissues or wipes shall be used to clean the child at each time of diapering. Any diapering creams, powders or other products applied at the time of diapering shall be approved or provided by the parent(s) and labeled with the child's name.
Correction Required
Diapering creams, powders or other products shall be approved or supplied by the parent and labeled with the child's name.

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Compliance Date

19 CSR 30-60.100 Physical Plant, Space, Supplies and Equipment
 Provider Comments
Requirements for indoor play equipment and materials were not as evidenced by toys/materials were not in good condition as evidenced by a cabinet in the preschool classroom had chipping paint and unfinished wood present.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.100 Physical Plant, Space, Supplies and Equipment 7 states: Indoor play equipment and materials shall be provided and shall be clean and in good condition with all parts intact. Infants and toddlers shall have safe toys. Toys, parts of toys or other materials small enough to be swallowed shall not be used.
Correction Required
The facility shall provide play equipment and materials as required.

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Compliance Date

Requirements for indoor play equipment and materials were not as evidenced by toys/materials were not safe as evidenced by two highchairs did not have safety straps available for use.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.100 Physical Plant, Space, Supplies and Equipment 7 states: Indoor play equipment and materials shall be provided and shall be clean and in good condition with all parts intact. Infants and toddlers shall have safe toys. Toys, parts of toys or other materials small enough to be swallowed shall not be used.
Correction Required
The facility shall provide play equipment and materials as required.

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Compliance Date

Equipment in the outdoor play area, the swings, was unsafe as evidenced by S hooks on the swings were not pinched close.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.100 Physical Plant, Space, Supplies and Equipment 4 (G) states: Outdoor equipment shall be safely constructed, in good condition, and free of sharp, loose or pointed parts. Stationary equipment such as swings, slides and climbers shall be anchored securely.
Correction Required
Play equipment shall be well maintained, safely constructed, free of sharp, loose or pointed parts; stationary equipment shall be anchored.

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Compliance Date

The equipment, a slide, that is over 24 inches high, does not have sufficient impact absorbing material present as evidenced by there was no resilient material present in the fall zone, bare dirt was present.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.100 Physical Plant, Space, Supplies and Equipment 4 (D) states: The fall-zone area under and around outdoor equipment over twenty-four inches (24") high covered with impact-absorbing materials that will effectively cushion the fall of a child. Materials may include sand, pea gravel, tanbark, shredded tires, wood chips, rubber matting or other approved resilient material.
Correction Required
Impact absorbent materials shall be in the fall zone for any equipment over 24 inches high.

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Compliance Date

The facility's outdoor space was not safe for children's activities as evidenced by the presence of black lining sticking out of the mulch.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.100 Physical Plant, Space, Supplies and Equipment 4 (C) states: The play area shall be safe for children's activities. It shall be well-maintained and free of hazards such as poisonous plants, broken glass, barbed wire, open wells, rocks and other debris, and shall have good drainage.
Correction Required
The outdoor play area shall be clean, safe and well-maintained as required.

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Compliance Date

The premises were not safe and suitable as evidenced by five outlets did not have safety plugs in use.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.100 Physical Plant, Space, Supplies and Equipment 1 states: The premises of all facilities shall be safe and suitable for the care of children.
Correction Required
The premises shall be safe and suitable for the care of children.

Correction Verification
Corrected on Site

Compliance Date
The premises were not safe and suitable as evidenced by one outlet in the 3-4 yr old room was cracked and broken.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.100 Physical Plant, Space, Supplies and Equipment 1 states: The premises of all facilities shall be safe and suitable for the care of children.
Correction Required
The premises shall be safe and suitable for the care of children.

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Compliance Date

The walls located throughout the facility was/were not in good condition as evidenced by chipped paint and unfinished drywall were present.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.100 Physical Plant, Space, Supplies and Equipment 1 (F) states: Walls, ceilings, floors and equipment shall be finished with materials that can be cleaned easily and shall be free of splinters, cracks and chipped paint. Floor covering shall be in good condition. The facility shall be free of all lead hazards and asbestos that is friable or dangerous.
Correction Required
Walls, ceilings, and floors shall be made of approved materials, easily cleaned and in good condition.

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Compliance Date

The walls located in the IT unit was/were not in good condition as evidenced by rust was present on the IT direct exit door.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.100 Physical Plant, Space, Supplies and Equipment 1 (F) states: Walls, ceilings, floors and equipment shall be finished with materials that can be cleaned easily and shall be free of splinters, cracks and chipped paint. Floor covering shall be in good condition. The facility shall be free of all lead hazards and asbestos that is friable or dangerous.
Correction Required
Walls, ceilings, and floors shall be made of approved materials, easily cleaned and in good condition.

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Compliance Date

19 CSR 30-60.110 Transportation and Field Trip Requirements
19 CSR 30-60.120 Admission Procedures and Required Reports and Records
 Provider Comments
The facility did not meet requirements for child enrollment and health information on file as evidenced by two children's files did not have the information concerning care for when a child is ill.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.120 Admission Procedures and Required Reports and Records 4 (B) states: S/he understands and agrees that the child may not be accepted for care when ill.
Correction Required
An individual file with required information for each child shall be maintained.

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Compliance Date

The facility did not meet requirements for child enrollment and health information on file as evidenced by two child files did not have the information concerning any accident or injury to a child while in care or any emergency medical care given.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.120 Admission Procedures and Required Reports and Records 2 (F) states: Information concerning any accident or injury to a child while in care or any emergency medical care given.
Correction Required
An individual file with required information for each child shall be maintained.

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Compliance Date

The facility did not meet requirements for child enrollment and health information on file as evidenced by one child files did not have the name of the individual(s) authorized to take the child.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.120 Admission Procedures and Required Reports and Records 2 (E) states: The name of the individual(s) authorized to take the child from the premises.
Correction Required
An individual file with required information for each child shall be maintained.

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Compliance Date

The facility did not meet requirements for child enrollment and health information on file as evidenced by four child files did not have the name and phone number of the family physician, or hospital, or both.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.120 Admission Procedures and Required Reports and Records 2 (D) states: Name and phone number of a physician and preferred hospital to be used in an emergency.
Correction Required
An individual file with required information for each child shall be maintained.

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Compliance Date

The facility did not meet requirements for child enrollment and health information on file as evidenced by two child files did not have the name, address and telephone number of another individual (friend or relative) who might be reached in an emergency.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.120 Admission Procedures and Required Reports and Records 2 (C) states: Full name, address and phone number of a friend or relative who might be reached in an emergency when a parent, guardian or legal custodian cannot be reached.
Correction Required
An individual file with required information for each child shall be maintained.

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Compliance Date

The facility did not meet requirements for child enrollment and health information on file as evidenced by eight child files did not have the full name of the parent(s), guardian or legal custodian, home address, employers’ name and address, work schedule and home and work telephone numbers.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.120 Admission Procedures and Required Reports and Records 2 (B) states: The full name of the parent(s), guardian or legal custodian, home address, work schedule, home and work telephone numbers, and employer's name and address.
Correction Required
An individual file with required information for each child shall be maintained.

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Compliance Date

The facility did not meet requirements for child enrollment and health information on file as evidenced by three child files did not have the child’s full name, address, birth date and the date care begins and ends.
Licensing Rule Reference
19 CSR 30-60.120 Admission Procedures and Required Reports and Records 2 (A) states: The child's full name, address, birth date and the date care begins and ends.
Correction Required
An individual file with required information for each child shall be maintained.

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Compliance Date

RSMo 210.254 Religious organization operating facilities exempt under licensing laws required to file parental notice of responsibility and fire, safety inspections annually.
 Provider Comments
An approved Notice of Parental Responsibility was not on file for each child in care.
Licensing Rule Reference
RSMo 210.254 Religious organization operating facilities exempt under licensing laws required to file parental notice of responsibility and fire, safety inspections annually. 1 states: Child-care facilities operated by religious organizations pursuant to the exempt status recognized in subdivision (5) of section 210.211 shall upon enrollment of any child provided the parent or guardian enrolling the child two copies of notice of parental responsibility, one copy of which shall be retained in the files of the facility after the enrolling parent acknowledges, by signature, having read and accepted the information contained therein.
Correction Required
The Notice of Parental Responsibility shall be on file as required.

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Compliance Date

RSMo 210.255 Religious organizations operating facility in violation, procedure - noncompliance after notice, prosecutor may act or attorney general.
RSMo 252 Fire, safety, health and sanitation inspections, procedures - variances to rules granted when - rules authorized.