19 CSR 30-62.032 Organization and Administration
19 CSR 30-62.042 Initial Licensing Information
19 CSR 30-62.052 License Renewal
19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers
19 CSR 30-62.087 Fire Safety
19 CSR 30-62.090 Disaster and Emergency Preparedness
19 CSR 30-62.092 Furniture, Equipment and Materials
19 CSR 30-62.102 Personnel
| Provider Comments |
Violation Requirements for safe sleep training were not met as evidenced by Jennifer Barton did not complete safe sleep training in that her expired in February 2019. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.102 Personnel (4) . states: Every three (3) years the center director, group child care home provider, all other caregivers, and those volunteers who are counted in staff/child ratios in a group child care home or child care center licensed to provide care for infants less than one (1) year of age shall successfully complete department-approved training regarding the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) safe sleep recommendations contained in the American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Technical report – SIDS and other sleep-related infant deaths: expansion of recommendations for a safe infant sleeping environment, by Moon RY, which is incorporated by reference in this rule as published in PEDIATRICS Volume 128, No. 5, November 1, 2011, and available from the University of Vermont College of Medicine, Given Building S261, 89 Beaumont Avenue, Burlington, Vermont 05405-0068, telephone number 802-656-2505, fax number 802-656-4844, or at www.pediatrics.aapublications.org/content/128/5/1030.full. This rule does not incorporate any subsequent amendments or additions. Correction Required Center director, group child care home provider, and other caregivers, and those volunteers counted in staff/child ratios shall complete department approved safe sleep training as required.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date 5/20/2019
Violation Marissa Stroot did not complete safe sleep training within the required timeframe. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.102 Personnel (4) (B) states: The center director, group child care home provider, all other caregivers, and those volunteers who are counted in staff/child ratio in a group child care home or child care center, licensed prior to the effective date of this rule, shall complete safe sleep training described in section (4) of this rule within three (3) months of the effective date of this rule. Correction Required Safe sleep training shall be completed as required.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date 5/20/2019
19 CSR 30-62.112 Staff/Child Ratios
19 CSR 30-62.122 Medical Examination Reports
19 CSR 30-62.132 Admission Policies and Procedures
19 CSR 30-62.142 Nighttime Care
19 CSR 30-62.152 Hourly Care Facilities
19 CSR 30-62.162 Overlap Care of Children
19 CSR 30-62.172 Emergency School Closings
19 CSR 30-62.182 Child Care Program
19 CSR 30-62.192 Health Care
19 CSR 30-62.202 Nutrition and Food Service
19 CSR 30-62.212 Transportation and Field Trips
19 CSR 30-62.222 Records and Reports
19 CSR 30-63.040 Background Screening Findings
RSMo 210.003 Immunizations of children required, when, exceptions--duties of administrator, report--notification of parents, when.
RSMo 210.1080 Background checks required--definitions--procedures—ineligible for employment, when--exemption, when--emergency rules.