19 CSR 30-62.032 Organization and Administration
19 CSR 30-62.042 Licensing Process
19 CSR 30-62.052 Annual Requirements
| Provider Comments |
Violation The Family Care Safety Registry check was not conducted for Karen Kanyuck within thirty (30) days prior to the anniversary date. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.052 Annual Requirements (2) (C) states: The child care provider shall conduct a Family Care Safety Registry check for all child care staff members within thirty (30) days prior to the anniversary date as printed on the license. Correction Required Required Family Care Safety Registry checks shall be conducted for all child care staff member(s) within thirty (30) days prior to the anniversary date.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 7/26/2021
19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers
| Provider Comments |
Violation The facility did not have a fenced outdoor play area that was on or adjoining the day care property and was accessible without hazard as evidenced by the fence had openings that were between 3.5 and 9 inches and allow entrapment - the openings measured 5 1/2 inches under the fence by the gate on the south end of the preschool playground. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (6) (A) 1. states: A fenced outdoor play area shall be available on or adjoining the day care property. The play area shall be located so it is convenient and the children can gain access to it without hazard. For facilities initially licensed after the effective date of these rules or for the installation of new fences in existing facilities, the fence shall be at least forty-two inches (42") high. An outdoor play area used exclusively for school-age children shall not be required to have a fence. Fences shall be constructed to prevent children from crawling or falling through or becoming entrapped. Correction Required The outdoor play area shall be accessible without hazard.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date 4/13/2021
Violation The requirements for protective outlet covers or twist-lock outlets were not met as evidenced by electrical outlets were not covered in that two outlets outside of the building in the playground area were not covered. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (1) (G) states: Protective outlet covers or twist-lock outlets shall be used in areas accessible to the children. Correction Required The facility shall use outlet covers or twist-lock outlets as required.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date 7/26/2021
Violation The facility has not met the requirements for state or local sanitation as evidenced by the Sanitation Inspection completed on 07/17/2020 was not approved. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (1) (B) states: The premises shall conform to the fire and safety requirements of the State Fire Marshal or his/her designee and requirements for state or local zoning, building and sanitation. Correction Required The facility shall comply with fire and safety/zoning/sanitation requirements.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date 1/19/2021
19 CSR 30-62.087 Fire Safety
| Provider Comments |
Violation Requirements of 19 CSR 30-62.087 Fire Safety were not met as evidenced by the date of the drill was not recorded. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.087 Fire Safety (2) (F) states: Child care staff shall conduct at least one (1) fire drill each month and a disaster drill at least every three (3) months. The disaster drills shall include tornado drills. The provider shall maintain a written record at the facility of the date, type of drill, time required to evacuate the building, and number of children present during the drill. Correction Required Fire, tornado, and other disaster drills shall be completed and recorded as required.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date 4/9/2021
19 CSR 30-62.090 Disaster and Emergency Preparedness
| Provider Comments |
Violation The facility's special instructions for infants and non-ambulatory children were not posted in each room. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.090 Disaster and Emergency Preparedness (2) (B) 3. states: Any special instructions for infants and non-ambulatory children; Correction Required Facility must post information as required.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date
19 CSR 30-62.092 Furniture, Equipment and Materials
| Provider Comments |
Violation Outdoor equipment, exercise mat, in the infant/toddler play area was not in good condition as evidenced by the surface of the mat being torn. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.092 Furniture, Equipment and Materials (3) (A) states: All outdoor equipment shall be constructed safely, in good condition and free of sharp, loose or pointed parts. Only lead-free paint shall be used. Correction Required Outdoor play equipment shall be safe and in good repair.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 7/26/2021
Violation Outdoor equipment, kitchenette, in the infant/toddler play area was not in good condition as evidenced by a crack in the item that produced sharp edges. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.092 Furniture, Equipment and Materials (3) (A) states: All outdoor equipment shall be constructed safely, in good condition and free of sharp, loose or pointed parts. Only lead-free paint shall be used. Correction Required Outdoor play equipment shall be safe and in good repair.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 7/26/2021
19 CSR 30-62.102 Personnel
| Provider Comments |
Violation Background screening information was not available for review for Karen Kanyuck . Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.102 Personnel (1) (Q) states: Background screening information received by the provider shall be retained in the individual’s file in a confidential manner and available for review. Correction Required Background screening information shall be available and kept confidential.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date
Violation The requirements for obtaining 12 clock hours each calendar year were not met. For the calendar year of 2020, the staff listed need the following information: Jennifer Barton needs .75 clock hours, Eileen Frank needs .25 clock hours and Sian Kaut needs 2 clock hours. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.102 Personnel (3) (A) states: The center director, group child care home provider, all other caregivers, and those volunteers who are counted in staff/child ratios shall obtain at least twelve (12) clock hours of child-care related training during each calendar year. Clock hour training shall be approved by the department. Correction Required Required training hours shall be documented for each caregiver.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date
19 CSR 30-62.112 Staff/Child Ratios
19 CSR 30-62.122 Medical Examination Reports
| Provider Comments |
Violation A medical examination report did not include a completed Risk Assessment for Tuberculosis form for Sian Kaut. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.122 Medical Examination Reports (1) (B) . states: Medical examination reports shall include a “Risk Assessment for Tuberculosis” form, included herein, completed and signed by a health care professional, as provided by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (MDHSS). If the person has signs or symptoms of tuberculosis, or risk factors for tuberculosis, then testing for tuberculosis shall occur. Correction Required TB reports shall be on file as required
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date 6/22/2021
Violation Medical examination report(s) was/were not on file for Sian Kaut (start date 09/16/2020) as evidenced by a medical examination was not on file within 30 days of an individual beginning to work with children. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.122 Medical Examination Reports (1) (A) states: All persons working in a day care facility in any capacity during child care hours, including volunteers counted in staff/child ratios, shall be in good physical and emotional health with no physical or mental conditions which would interfere with child care responsibilities. These persons shall have a medical examination report, signed by a licensed physician or registered nurse who is under the supervision of a licensed physician, on file at the facility at the time of initial licensure or within thirty (30) days following employment. Correction Required Medical reports shall be on file as required.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date 6/28/2021
19 CSR 30-62.132 Admission Policies and Procedures
| Provider Comments |
Violation Written permission was not on file for field trips. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.132 Admission Policies and Procedures (8) (E) 6. states: Permission for field trips, transportation to and from school and other transportation; Correction Required Written permission for field and transportation shall be on file as required.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date 4/9/2021
Violation Written permission was not on file for other transportation. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.132 Admission Policies and Procedures (8) (E) 6. states: Permission for field trips, transportation to and from school and other transportation; Correction Required Written permission for field and transportation shall be on file as required.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date 4/9/2021
19 CSR 30-62.142 Nighttime Care
19 CSR 30-62.152 Hourly Care Facilities
19 CSR 30-62.162 Overlap Care of Children
19 CSR 30-62.172 Emergency School Closings
19 CSR 30-62.182 Child Care Program
19 CSR 30-62.192 Health Care
19 CSR 30-62.202 Nutrition and Food Service
| Provider Comments |
Violation The provider did not meet requirements for a written diet plan for each infant and toddler as evidenced by the written diet plan was not updated for a child in that no feeding plan was available. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.202 Nutrition and Food Service (2) (B) states: The written diet plan for each infant/toddler shall be followed. The parent(s) shall update the plan according to the individual needs of the child until they grant permission in writing for the child to eat table foods. Correction Required A written diet plan shall be on file for each infant/toddler, updated as needed and followed by caregivers.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date
19 CSR 30-62.212 Transportation and Field Trips
19 CSR 30-62.222 Records and Reports
| Provider Comments |
Violation One child(ren) records did not include employers' name of parent(s), guardian or legal custodian. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.222 Records and Reports (2) (B) states: Full name of the parent(s), guardian or legal custodian, home address, employers' name and address, work schedule, and home and work telephone numbers; Correction Required Child enrollment information shall be completed and on file as required.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date 4/9/2021
Violation One child(ren) records did not include work schedule of parent(s), guardian or legal custodian. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.222 Records and Reports (2) (B) states: Full name of the parent(s), guardian or legal custodian, home address, employers' name and address, work schedule, and home and work telephone numbers; Correction Required Child enrollment information shall be completed and on file as required.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date 4/9/2021
Violation One child(ren) records did not include work telephone number of parent(s), guardian or legal custodian. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.222 Records and Reports (2) (B) states: Full name of the parent(s), guardian or legal custodian, home address, employers' name and address, work schedule, and home and work telephone numbers; Correction Required Child enrollment information shall be completed and on file as required.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date 4/9/2021
Violation Two child(ren) records did not include employers' address of parent(s), guardian or legal custodian. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.222 Records and Reports (2) (B) states: Full name of the parent(s), guardian or legal custodian, home address, employers' name and address, work schedule, and home and work telephone numbers; Correction Required Child enrollment information shall be completed and on file as required.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date 4/9/2021
19 CSR 30-63.020 General Requirements
19 CSR 30-63.040 Background Screening Findings
RSMo 210.115. Reports of abuse, neglect, and under age eighteen deaths — persons required to report — supervisors and administrators not to impede reporting — deaths required to be reported to the division or child fatality review panel, when — report made to another state, when. —
RSMo 210.211. License required - exceptions - written notice of licensure status, when.