19 CSR 30-62.032 Organization and Administration
19 CSR 30-62.042 Licensing Process
19 CSR 30-62.052 Annual Requirements
19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers
| Provider Comments |
Violation The requirements for protective outlet covers or twist-lock outlets were not met as evidenced by electrical outlets were not covered in that the girls restroom was missing one protective outlet cover. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (1) (G) states: Protective outlet covers or twist-lock outlets shall be used in areas accessible to the children. Correction Required The facility shall use outlet covers or twist-lock outlets as required.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 8/2/2021
Violation Hazardous items as follows were accessible to children: diaper cream and triple antibiotic cream. The item(s) was/were located in an unlocked drawer under the diaper changing area. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (1) (I) states: All flammable liquids, matches, cleaning supplies, poisonous materials, medicines, alcoholic beverages, hazardous personal care items or other hazardous items shall be inaccessible to children. Correction Required Hazardous items shall be inaccessible to children.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 8/2/2021
Violation Hazardous items as follows were accessible to children: Febreze, toilet cleaner, Windex, alcohol, peroxide, ibuprofen, Tylenol, epi pen, and children's liquid pain/fever medication . The item(s) was/were located in a unlocked cabinet in the unlocked staff restroom. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (1) (I) states: All flammable liquids, matches, cleaning supplies, poisonous materials, medicines, alcoholic beverages, hazardous personal care items or other hazardous items shall be inaccessible to children. Correction Required Hazardous items shall be inaccessible to children.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 8/2/2021
Violation Hazardous items as follows were accessible to children: anti itch spray, children's liquid ibuprofen, ibuprofen, itch relief, cortizone 10, triple antibiotic cream, room freshener and hand sanitizer . The item(s) was/were located in an unlocked brown cabinet in the purple room. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (1) (I) states: All flammable liquids, matches, cleaning supplies, poisonous materials, medicines, alcoholic beverages, hazardous personal care items or other hazardous items shall be inaccessible to children. Correction Required Hazardous items shall be inaccessible to children.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 8/2/2021
Violation Hazardous items as follows were accessible to children: clear acrylic spray. The item(s) was/were located in an unlocked cabinet in the blue room. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (1) (I) states: All flammable liquids, matches, cleaning supplies, poisonous materials, medicines, alcoholic beverages, hazardous personal care items or other hazardous items shall be inaccessible to children. Correction Required Hazardous items shall be inaccessible to children.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 8/2/2021
Violation Hazardous items as follows were accessible to children: hand sanitizer. The item(s) was/were located on a table in the main area. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (1) (I) states: All flammable liquids, matches, cleaning supplies, poisonous materials, medicines, alcoholic beverages, hazardous personal care items or other hazardous items shall be inaccessible to children. Correction Required Hazardous items shall be inaccessible to children.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 8/2/2021
Violation The walls located in Toddler One Room was/were not finished with material which can be cleaned easily as evidenced by paint was chipping off the wall exposing the sheetrock. This was located under the window. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (2) (A) 6. states: Walls, ceilings and floors shall be finished with material which can be cleaned easily and shall be free of splinters, cracks and chipping paint. Floor covering shall be in good condition. Lead-free paint shall be used for all painted surfaces. Correction Required Walls, ceilings, and floors shall be made of approved materials, easily cleaned and in good condition.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date
Violation The walls located in Infant One Room was/were not finished with material which can be cleaned easily as evidenced by paint was chipped exposing the sheet rock and metal. This was located under the window near the set aside crawl space. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (2) (A) 6. states: Walls, ceilings and floors shall be finished with material which can be cleaned easily and shall be free of splinters, cracks and chipping paint. Floor covering shall be in good condition. Lead-free paint shall be used for all painted surfaces. Correction Required Walls, ceilings, and floors shall be made of approved materials, easily cleaned and in good condition.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date
Violation The facility did not have a fenced outdoor play area that was on or adjoining the day care property and was accessible without hazard as evidenced by the fence had openings that were between 3.5 and 9 inches and allow entrapment - the openings measured 5 1/2 inches. This was located at the bottom of the fence. This section of fence was near the water play area. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (6) (A) 1. states: A fenced outdoor play area shall be available on or adjoining the day care property. The play area shall be located so it is convenient and the children can gain access to it without hazard. For facilities initially licensed after the effective date of these rules or for the installation of new fences in existing facilities, the fence shall be at least forty-two inches (42") high. An outdoor play area used exclusively for school-age children shall not be required to have a fence. Fences shall be constructed to prevent children from crawling or falling through or becoming entrapped. Correction Required The outdoor play area shall be accessible without hazard.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date
Violation The facility did not have a fenced outdoor play area that was on or adjoining the day care property and was accessible without hazard as evidenced by the fence had openings that were between 3.5 and 9 inches and allow entrapment - the openings measured 4 1/2 inches. The gap was located at the bottom of the gate. This was located to the right of the basketball goal . Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (6) (A) 1. states: A fenced outdoor play area shall be available on or adjoining the day care property. The play area shall be located so it is convenient and the children can gain access to it without hazard. For facilities initially licensed after the effective date of these rules or for the installation of new fences in existing facilities, the fence shall be at least forty-two inches (42") high. An outdoor play area used exclusively for school-age children shall not be required to have a fence. Fences shall be constructed to prevent children from crawling or falling through or becoming entrapped. Correction Required The outdoor play area shall be accessible without hazard.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date
Violation The facility did not have a fenced outdoor play area that was on or adjoining the day care property and was accessible without hazard as evidenced by the fence was not in good condition in that the fence was not secure to the center fence post. This was located near the toddler two outdoor play area and near the water play area. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (6) (A) 1. states: A fenced outdoor play area shall be available on or adjoining the day care property. The play area shall be located so it is convenient and the children can gain access to it without hazard. For facilities initially licensed after the effective date of these rules or for the installation of new fences in existing facilities, the fence shall be at least forty-two inches (42") high. An outdoor play area used exclusively for school-age children shall not be required to have a fence. Fences shall be constructed to prevent children from crawling or falling through or becoming entrapped. Correction Required The outdoor play area shall be accessible without hazard.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date
Violation The facility did not have a fenced outdoor play area that was on or adjoining the day care property and was accessible without hazard as evidenced by the fence had openings that were between 3.5 and 9 inches and allow entrapment - the openings measured 3 1/2 inches. This gap was located at the bottom of the gate located on the far left side of the playground (near the yellow room entrance/exit). Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (6) (A) 1. states: A fenced outdoor play area shall be available on or adjoining the day care property. The play area shall be located so it is convenient and the children can gain access to it without hazard. For facilities initially licensed after the effective date of these rules or for the installation of new fences in existing facilities, the fence shall be at least forty-two inches (42") high. An outdoor play area used exclusively for school-age children shall not be required to have a fence. Fences shall be constructed to prevent children from crawling or falling through or becoming entrapped. Correction Required The outdoor play area shall be accessible without hazard.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date
Violation The facility's outdoor space was not safe for children's activities as evidenced by brown tarp was showing through dirt. This was located to the left of the wooden playhouse. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (6) (A) 4. states: The play area shall be safe for children's activities, well-maintained, free of hazards such as poisonous plants, broken glass, rocks or other debris and shall have good drainage. Correction Required The outdoor play area shall be clean, safe and well-maintained as required.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date
Violation Bathroom supplies were not available and accessible to children as evidenced by paper towels were not within children's reach. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (3) (A) 4. states: Paper towels, soap and toilet paper shall be provided and easily accessible so the children can reach them without assistance. Correction Required The facility shall provide paper towels, soap and toilet paper, accessible for children's use.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 8/2/2021
Violation The facility's outdoor space was not safe for children's activities as evidenced by a sharp piece of metal was sticking out of the ground. This was located near the gate on the far left side of the preschool/school age playground. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (6) (A) 4. states: The play area shall be safe for children's activities, well-maintained, free of hazards such as poisonous plants, broken glass, rocks or other debris and shall have good drainage. Correction Required The outdoor play area shall be clean, safe and well-maintained as required.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date
Violation The facility did not have a fenced outdoor play area that was on or adjoining the day care property and was accessible without hazard as evidenced by the fence had openings that were between 3.5 and 9 inches and allow entrapment - the openings measured 6 1/2 inches. This gap was located at the bottom of the fence near the toddler two outdoor play area. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (6) (A) 1. states: A fenced outdoor play area shall be available on or adjoining the day care property. The play area shall be located so it is convenient and the children can gain access to it without hazard. For facilities initially licensed after the effective date of these rules or for the installation of new fences in existing facilities, the fence shall be at least forty-two inches (42") high. An outdoor play area used exclusively for school-age children shall not be required to have a fence. Fences shall be constructed to prevent children from crawling or falling through or becoming entrapped. Correction Required The outdoor play area shall be accessible without hazard.
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Compliance Date
Violation The walls located near where the mats and cots are stored was/were not finished with material which can be cleaned easily as evidenced by paint was chipped of the wall. A piece of trim was also missing exposing a crack in the wall. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (2) (A) 6. states: Walls, ceilings and floors shall be finished with material which can be cleaned easily and shall be free of splinters, cracks and chipping paint. Floor covering shall be in good condition. Lead-free paint shall be used for all painted surfaces. Correction Required Walls, ceilings, and floors shall be made of approved materials, easily cleaned and in good condition.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date
Violation Hazardous items as follows were accessible to children: diaper cream. The item(s) was/were located in an unlocked cabinet in the yellow room. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (1) (I) states: All flammable liquids, matches, cleaning supplies, poisonous materials, medicines, alcoholic beverages, hazardous personal care items or other hazardous items shall be inaccessible to children. Correction Required Hazardous items shall be inaccessible to children.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 8/2/2021
Violation The requirements for protective outlet covers or twist-lock outlets were not met as evidenced by electrical outlets were not covered in that the outlet in the yellow room was missing one protective outlet cover. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (1) (G) states: Protective outlet covers or twist-lock outlets shall be used in areas accessible to the children. Correction Required The facility shall use outlet covers or twist-lock outlets as required.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 8/2/2021
19 CSR 30-62.087 Fire Safety
| Provider Comments |
Violation The door, located in the red room, used as an exit from the facility was locked. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.087 Fire Safety (4) (C) 3. states: No door in a means of egress shall be locked against egress travel when the building is occupied. Locking devices that impede or prohibit egress or that cannot be disengaged easily shall not be used. Dead bolt locks that require a key to unlock the door from the inside shall not be used. Locking or latching devices installed on doors shall not be located higher than fifty inches (50") above the finished floor. Correction Required Exit doors shall not be locked/impede exit from the building.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 8/2/2021
Violation The door, located in the purple room, used as an exit from the facility was locked. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.087 Fire Safety (4) (C) 3. states: No door in a means of egress shall be locked against egress travel when the building is occupied. Locking devices that impede or prohibit egress or that cannot be disengaged easily shall not be used. Dead bolt locks that require a key to unlock the door from the inside shall not be used. Locking or latching devices installed on doors shall not be located higher than fifty inches (50") above the finished floor. Correction Required Exit doors shall not be locked/impede exit from the building.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 8/2/2021
Violation The door, located in toddler two room, used as an exit from the facility was locked. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.087 Fire Safety (4) (C) 3. states: No door in a means of egress shall be locked against egress travel when the building is occupied. Locking devices that impede or prohibit egress or that cannot be disengaged easily shall not be used. Dead bolt locks that require a key to unlock the door from the inside shall not be used. Locking or latching devices installed on doors shall not be located higher than fifty inches (50") above the finished floor. Correction Required Exit doors shall not be locked/impede exit from the building.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 8/2/2021
Violation The door, located in back red room, used as an exit from the facility was locked. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.087 Fire Safety (4) (C) 3. states: No door in a means of egress shall be locked against egress travel when the building is occupied. Locking devices that impede or prohibit egress or that cannot be disengaged easily shall not be used. Dead bolt locks that require a key to unlock the door from the inside shall not be used. Locking or latching devices installed on doors shall not be located higher than fifty inches (50") above the finished floor. Correction Required Exit doors shall not be locked/impede exit from the building.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 8/2/2021
Violation The door, located in back blue room, used as an exit from the facility was locked. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.087 Fire Safety (4) (C) 3. states: No door in a means of egress shall be locked against egress travel when the building is occupied. Locking devices that impede or prohibit egress or that cannot be disengaged easily shall not be used. Dead bolt locks that require a key to unlock the door from the inside shall not be used. Locking or latching devices installed on doors shall not be located higher than fifty inches (50") above the finished floor. Correction Required Exit doors shall not be locked/impede exit from the building.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 8/2/2021
19 CSR 30-62.090 Disaster and Emergency Preparedness
19 CSR 30-62.092 Furniture, Equipment and Materials
| Provider Comments |
Violation Furniture/equipment, shelf , in in the back green room was not in good condition as evidenced by paint was peeling off the shelf causing the shelf to not be easily cleanable. This shelf was located near the mirror. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.092 Furniture, Equipment and Materials (1) (A) 1. states: All furniture and equipment shall be constructed safely, in good condition and free of sharp, loose or pointed parts. Only lead-free paint shall be used. Correction Required The facility shall provide safe and clean furniture/equipment as required.
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Compliance Date
Violation The facility did not meet requirements for cloth or plastic coated books. The facility needed an additional three items in this category. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.092 Furniture, Equipment and Materials (2) (C) 1. D. states: Cloth or plastic coated books. Correction Required The facility shall provide approved equipment as required.
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Compliance Date
19 CSR 30-62.102 Personnel
| Provider Comments |
Violation A facility orientation was not documented and available for review for all caregivers. The following staff need documentation of a facility orientation: Jalen Williams and Julie Albertson. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.102 Personnel (1) (K) . states: The child care provider shall ensure that within seven (7) days of employment or volunteering and before being left alone with children that caregivers receive a facility orientation. The child care provider shall ensure that documentation verifying completion of the facility orientation is maintained and on file for review by the department for each caregiver. The facility orientation shall include: Correction Required The facility shall ensure that a facility orientation occurs within 7 days and documentation verifying completion is maintained and on file for review by the department for each caregiver.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date
Violation Safe sleep training was not completed within the past 3 years for the following staff Starla Miller. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.102 Personnel (4) . states: Safe Sleep Training. Every three (3) years the center director, group child care home provider, all other caregivers, and those volunteers who are counted in staff/child ratios in a group child care home or child care center licensed to provide care for infants less than one (1) year of age shall successfully complete department-approved training regarding the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) safe sleep recommendations contained in the American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Technical report – SIDS and other sleep-related infant deaths: Updated 2016 Recommendations for a Safe Infant Sleeping Environment, by Moon RY, which is incorporated by reference in this rule as published in PEDIATRICS Volume 138, No. 5, November 1, 2016 and available at http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/pediatrics/early/2016/10/20/peds.2016-2938.full.pdf. This rule does not incorporate any subsequent amendments or additions. Correction Required The director, group home provider, other caregivers, and those volunteers counted in staff/child ratio, shall complete department approved safe sleep training as required.
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Compliance Date
19 CSR 30-62.112 Staff/Child Ratios
19 CSR 30-62.122 Medical Examination Reports
19 CSR 30-62.132 Admission Policies and Procedures
| Provider Comments |
Violation The provider did not have parental acknowledgement on file indicating the parent received a copy of the provider's policies. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.132 Admission Policies and Procedures (8) (E) 8. A. states: They have received a copy of the provider's policies pertaining to the admission, care and discharge of children; Correction Required Child enrollment information shall be completed and on file as required.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date
Violation The provider did not have parental acknowledgement on file indicating the parent has been informed that Licensing Rules for Group Day Care Homes and Child Day Care Centers in Missouri are available for review. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.132 Admission Policies and Procedures (8) (E) 8. B. states: They have been informed that the Licensing Rules for Group Day Care Homes and Child Day Care Centers in Missouri are available in the facility for their review; Correction Required Child enrollment information shall be completed and on file as required.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date
Violation The provider did not have parental acknowledgement on file indicating the parent and provider have agreed on a plan for continuing communication. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.132 Admission Policies and Procedures (8) (E) 8. C. states: They and the provider have agreed on a plan for continuing communication regarding the child's development, behavior and individual needs; Correction Required Child enrollment information shall be completed and on file as required.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date
Violation The provider did not have parental acknowledgement on file indicating the parent understands and agrees that the child may not be accepted for care when ill. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.132 Admission Policies and Procedures (8) (E) 8. D. states: They understand and agree that the child may not be accepted for care when ill. Correction Required Child enrollment information shall be completed and on file as required.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date
Violation The facility did not meet requirements for child enrollment and health information on file as evidenced by one child(s) file(s) did not have the parental acknowledgement they have been notified that they may request whether there are children for whom an immunization exemption has been filed for currently enrolled in or attending the facility. Licensing Rule Reference 19 CSR 30-62.132 Admission Policies and Procedures (8) (E) 8. F. states: They have been notified that they may request notice at initial enrollment in or attendance at the facility or upon request of whether there are children for whom an immunization exemption has been filed currently enrolled in or attending the facility Correction Required Child enrollment information shall be completed and on file as requested.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date
19 CSR 30-62.142 Nighttime Care
19 CSR 30-62.152 Hourly Care Facilities
19 CSR 30-62.162 Overlap Care of Children
19 CSR 30-62.172 Emergency School Closings
19 CSR 30-62.182 Child Care Program
19 CSR 30-62.192 Health Care
19 CSR 30-62.202 Nutrition and Food Service
19 CSR 30-62.212 Transportation and Field Trips
19 CSR 30-62.222 Records and Reports
19 CSR 30-63.020 General Requirements
19 CSR 30-63.040 Background Screening Findings
RSMo 210.115. Reports of abuse, neglect, and under age eighteen deaths — persons required to report — supervisors and administrators not to impede reporting — deaths required to be reported to the division or child fatality review panel, when — report made to another state, when. —
RSMo 210.211. License required - exceptions - written notice of licensure status, when.