5 CSR 25-300.020 Application for Annual Fire Safety and Health and Sanitation Inspections and Inspection Procedures
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Violation An approved Notice of Parental Responsibility was not on file for 1 child(ren). Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-300.020 Application for Annual Fire Safety and Health and Sanitation Inspections and Inspection Procedures (6) (C) states: A child care facility operated by a religious organization shall provide the parent or guardian enrolling the child two (2) copies of the Notice of Parental Responsibility form for the enrolling parent to acknowledge, by signature, having read and accepted the information. One (1) copy shall be kept by the parent or guardian and the other copy shall be retained in the child's record at the facility. Correction Required The Notice of Parental Responsibility shall be provided to the parent or guardian upon enrollment, on file, and signed by the parent or guardian as required.
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5 CSR 25-300.040 Staffing Requirements
5 CSR 25-300.050 Health Requirements
5 CSR 25-300.060 Responsibilities of Caregivers
5 CSR 25-300.070 Fire Safety Requirements
5 CSR 25-300.080 Sanitation Requirements
5 CSR 25-300.090 Physical Plant, Space, Supplies and Equipment
5 CSR 25-300.100 Transportation and Field Trip Requirements
5 CSR 25-300.110 Admission Procedures and Required Reports and Records
5 CSR 25-600.020 General Requirements
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Violation The facility is operated by a religious organization that recieves federal funds for providing child care and criminal background check results were not on file for Pamela Banderman. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-600.020 General Requirements (1) states: Prior to the employment or presence of a child care staff member in a family child care home, group child care home, child care center, or license-exempt facility not exempted by section 210.1080.13, RSMo, the child care provider shall request the results of a criminal background check for such child care staff member from the department. Correction Required Required results of criminal background checks shall be on file.
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5 CSR 25-600.040 Background Screening Findings
RSMo 210.003 Immunizations of children required, when, exceptions--duties of administrator, report--notification of parents, when.
RSMo 210.115 Reports of abuse, neglect, and under age eighteen deaths--persons required to report--supervisors and administrators not to impede reporting--deaths required to be reported to the division or child fatality review panel, when.
RSMo 210.254 Religious organization operating facilities exempt under licensing laws required to file parental notice of responsibility and fire, safety inspections annually.
RSMo 210.255 Religious organizations operating facility in violation, procedure - noncompliance after notice, prosecutor may act or attorney general.
RSMo 252. Fire, safety, health and sanitation inspections, procedures - variances to rules granted when - rules authorized.
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Violation Requirements for fire safety inspection were not met as evidenced by the inspection has not been conducted. Licensing Rule Reference RSMo 252. Fire, safety, health and sanitation inspections, procedures - variances to rules granted when - rules authorized. 1. states: All buildings and premises used by a child-care facility to care for more than six children except those exempted from the licensing provisions of the department of health and senior services pursuant to subdivisions (1) to (15) of subsection 1 of section 210.211, shall be inspected annually for fire and safety by the state fire marshal, the marshal's designee or officials of a local fire district and for health and sanitation by the department of health and senior services or officials of the local health department. Evidence of compliance with the inspections required by this section shall be kept on file and available to parents of children enrolling in the child-care facility. Correction Required An approved sanitation and fire/safety inspection shall be kept on file and be available as required.
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