5 CSR 25-500.032 Organization and Administration
5 CSR 25-500.042 Licensing Process
5 CSR 25-500.052 Annual Requirements
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Violation Evidence of local building approval was not received. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.052 Annual Requirements (1) (B) states: Evidence of compliance with local building and zoning requirements, if applicable. Correction Required The facility shall submit evidence of local building/zoning approval as required.
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Violation The staff sheet was not fully completed as evidenced by it is missing a signature and the following staff members; Paul Kanyuck Jr., Nicole Sekyra, and Hailey Howard.. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.052 Annual Requirements (1) (D) states: A current staff sheet. Correction Required The facility shall submit a current staff sheet as required.
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Violation The facility is owned by a legal entity and evidence of good standing was not available. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.052 Annual Requirements (2) (D) states: Documentation as required by the Missouri Secretary of State and state law to verify the legal entity is in good standing, if a group child care home or child care center is owned by a legal entity. Correction Required The facility shall submit evidence that the legal entity is in good standing with the Missouri Secretary of State and state law.
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5 CSR 25-500.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers
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Violation The premises were not safe and suitable as evidenced by the fence on the main playground near the large play structure has a large gap at the bottom of the fence. It was observed that the tree was uprooted due ton a storm and the fence concrete post is exposed and it is showing progressive deterioration as it is on the edge of a ravine. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (1) (A) states: The premises shall be safe and suitable for the care of children. Correction Required The premises shall be safe and suitable for the care of children.
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Violation The facility's outdoor space was not safe for children's activities as evidenced by tree branches and leaves overlapped the fence on the playground.. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (6) (A) 4. states: The play area shall be safe for children's activities, well-maintained, free of hazards such as poisonous plants, broken glass, rocks or other debris and shall have good drainage. Correction Required The outdoor play area shall be clean, safe and well-maintained as required.
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Violation The facility's outdoor space was not safe for children's activities as evidenced by overgrown weeds and grass on the playground.. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (6) (A) 4. states: The play area shall be safe for children's activities, well-maintained, free of hazards such as poisonous plants, broken glass, rocks or other debris and shall have good drainage. Correction Required The outdoor play area shall be clean, safe and well-maintained as required.
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5 CSR 25-500.087 Fire Safety
5 CSR 25-500.090 Disaster and Emergency Preparedness
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Violation The facility's disaster and emergency plan was not available in each room used for childcare as evidenced by the emergency plan was not available in the infant and toddler rooms.. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.090 Disaster and Emergency Preparedness (2) (A) states: At all times, a copy of the facility's disaster and emergency plan is readily available in the office area and in each room used for care of children; Correction Required The facilities disaster and emergency plan must be available in required locations.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 7/22/2022
Violation The facility's list of emergency numbers are not posted by each telephone, specifically radio station. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.090 Disaster and Emergency Preparedness (2) (B) 1. B. states: A list of emergency numbers, including 911, if available, the fire department, police department, ambulance service, poison control center, and local radio station; Correction Required The facility must post all emergency numbers as required.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 7/22/2022
Violation The facility's special instructions for infants and non-ambulatory children were not posted in each room. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.090 Disaster and Emergency Preparedness (2) (B) 3. states: Any special instructions for infants and non-ambulatory children; Correction Required Facility must post information as required.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 7/22/2022
5 CSR 25-500.092 Furniture, Equipment and Materials
5 CSR 25-500.102 Personnel
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Violation A facility orientation was not conducted for a caregiver(s) before being left alone with children. The following staff need a facility orientation: Hailey Howard Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.102 Personnel (1) (K) . states: The child care provider shall ensure that within seven (7) days of employment or volunteering and before being left alone with children that caregivers receive a facility orientation. The facility orientation shall include: Correction Required The facility shall ensure that a facility orientation occurs within 7 days of employment or volunteering and before caregivers are left alone with children.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 7/22/2022
Violation A caregiver did not obtain one clock hour of training for each month of employment. The staff listed need the following information: Karen Kanyuck needs 10.5 clock hours for 2021. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.102 Personnel (3) (C) states: Caregivers who were employed after the first of the year shall obtain one (1) clock of hour training for each one (1) month of employment, regardless of the date employment began. Correction Required Required training hours shall be documented for each employee.
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Violation Paul Kanyuck Jr. did not complete safe sleep training within 30 days of employment or volunteering at the facility. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.102 Personnel (4) (C) states: The center director, group child care home provider, all other caregivers, and those volunteers who are counted in staff/child ratios shall complete safe sleep training described in section (4) of this rule within thirty (30) days of employment or volunteering at the facility. Correction Required The department approved safe sleep training must be completed within 30 days of employment or volunteering.
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Violation A facility orientation was not conducted for a caregiver(s) before being left alone with children. The following staff need a facility orientation: Nicole Sekyra Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.102 Personnel (1) (K) . states: The child care provider shall ensure that within seven (7) days of employment or volunteering and before being left alone with children that caregivers receive a facility orientation. The facility orientation shall include: Correction Required The facility shall ensure that a facility orientation occurs within 7 days of employment or volunteering and before caregivers are left alone with children.
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5 CSR 25-500.112 Staff/Child Ratios
5 CSR 25-500.122 Medical Examination Reports
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Violation Medical examination report(s) was/were not on file for Nicole Sekyra as evidenced by a medical examination was not on file within 30 days of an individual beginning to work with children. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.122 Medical Examination Reports (1) (A) states: All persons working in a child care facility in any capacity during child care hours, including volunteers counted in staff/child ratios, shall be in good physical and emotional health with no physical or mental conditions which would interfere with child care responsibilities. These persons shall have a medical examination report, signed by a licensed physician or registered nurse who is under the supervision of a licensed physician, on file at the facility at the time of initial licensure or within thirty (30) days following employment. Correction Required Medical reports shall be on file as required.
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Violation A medical examination report did not include either a completed Risk Assessment for Tuberculosis form or a negative tuberculin skin test (TST) within 12 months of the individual's begin date at the facility for the following staff: Nicole Sekyra. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.122 Medical Examination Reports (1) (B) . states: Medical examination reports shall include either a Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment form, completed and signed by a health care professional, or a negative tuberculin skin test (TST) completed not more than twelve (12) months before beginning work in the facility. The Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment form, revised March 2014, is incorporated by reference in this rule, as published by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, PO Box 570, Jefferson City, MO 65102 and available by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services at https://health.mo.gov/living/healthcondiseases/communicable/tuberculosis/tbmanual/pdf/RiskAssessmentform.pdf. If the person has signs or symptoms of tuberculosis, or risk factors for tuberculosis, then testing for tuberculosis shall occur. Correction Required Medical examination reports shall include Risk Assessment for Tuberculosis forms or negative tuberulin skin test (TST) as required.
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5 CSR 25-500.132 Admission Policies and Procedures
5 CSR 25-500.142 Nighttime Care
5 CSR 25-500.162 Overlap Care of Children
5 CSR 25-500.172 Emergency School Closings
5 CSR 25-500.182 Child Care Program
5 CSR 25-500.192 Health Care
5 CSR 25-500.202 Nutrition and Food Service
5 CSR 25-500.212 Transportation and Field Trips
5 CSR 25-500.222 Records and Reports
5 CSR 25-600.020 General Requirements
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Violation Criminal background check results were not on file for Paul Kanyuck Jr. Nicole Sekyra, and Hailey Howard. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-600.020 General Requirements (1) states: Prior to the employment or presence of a child care staff member in a licensed, regulated, or registered child care facility not exempted by section 210.1080.13, RSMo, the child care provider shall request the results of a criminal background check for such child care staff member from the department. Correction Required Required results of criminal background checks shall be on file.
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5 CSR 25-600.040 Background Screening Findings
RSMo 210.115. Reports of abuse, neglect, and under age eighteen deaths — persons required to report — supervisors and administrators not to impede reporting — deaths required to be reported to the division or child fatality review panel, when — report made to another state, when. —
RSMo 210.211. License required - exceptions - written notice of licensure status, when.