5 CSR 25-500.032 Organization and Administration
5 CSR 25-500.042 Licensing Process
5 CSR 25-500.052 Annual Requirements
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Violation The Family Care Safety Registry check was not conducted for Alan Huffman within thirty (30) days prior to the anniversary date. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.052 Annual Requirements (2) (C) states: The child care provider shall conduct a Family Care Safety Registry check for all child care staff members within thirty (30) days prior to the anniversary date as printed on the license. Correction Required Required Family Care Safety Registry checks shall be conducted for all child care staff member(s) within thirty (30) days prior to the anniversary date.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 8/25/2022
5 CSR 25-500.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers
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Violation The ceilings located in the preschool 3 & 4 year old room and the school age room was/were not in good condition as evidenced by stained ceiling tiles. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (2) (A) 6. states: Walls, ceilings and floors shall be finished with material which can be cleaned easily and shall be free of splinters, cracks and chipping paint. Floor covering shall be in good condition. Lead-free paint shall be used for all painted surfaces. Correction Required Walls, ceilings, and floors shall be made of approved materials, easily cleaned and in good condition.
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Compliance Date
Violation The walls located in the 2 year old room was/were not in good condition as evidenced by chipping paint. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (2) (A) 6. states: Walls, ceilings and floors shall be finished with material which can be cleaned easily and shall be free of splinters, cracks and chipping paint. Floor covering shall be in good condition. Lead-free paint shall be used for all painted surfaces. Correction Required Walls, ceilings, and floors shall be made of approved materials, easily cleaned and in good condition.
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Violation The requirements for protective outlet covers or twist-lock outlets were not met as evidenced by electrical outlets were not covered in that there were 3 outlets not covered in the toddler room and 2 outlets not covered in the commons area. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (1) (G) states: Protective outlet covers or twist-lock outlets shall be used in areas accessible to the children. Correction Required The facility shall use outlet covers or twist-lock outlets as required.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 8/25/2022
Violation The floors located in the 2's room,preschool 3 & 4year old room and the school age room was/were not clean as evidenced by dirt and stains. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (2) (A) 6. states: Walls, ceilings and floors shall be finished with material which can be cleaned easily and shall be free of splinters, cracks and chipping paint. Floor covering shall be in good condition. Lead-free paint shall be used for all painted surfaces. Correction Required Walls, ceilings, and floors shall be made of approved materials, easily cleaned and in good condition.
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Violation The bathroom was not clean and odor free as evidenced by urine and/or excrement odor was detected. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.082 Physical Requirements of Group Day Care Homes and Day Care Centers (3) (A) 7. states: Bathrooms shall be clean and odor free. Correction Required Bathrooms shall be clean and odor free.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 8/25/2022
5 CSR 25-500.087 Fire Safety
5 CSR 25-500.090 Disaster and Emergency Preparedness
5 CSR 25-500.092 Furniture, Equipment and Materials
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Violation Requirements for the crib mattress/playpen padding/bedding were not met as evidenced by bedding was soiled/wet. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.092 Furniture, Equipment and Materials (1) (B) 2. D. states: The crib mattress or playpen pad shall be sized correctly to the crib or playpen, in good condition, waterproof and kept clean and dry, be firm and maintain its shape even when the fitted sheet designated for that model is used, such that there are no gaps between the mattress and the side of the crib or playpen. Only fitted sheets shall be used. Only fitted sheet shall be used and shall be changed immediately when soiled or wet. Correction Required Sleeping equipment shall meet safety and sanitation requirements.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 8/25/2022
Violation Soft objects, loose bedding or any object that can increase risk of entrapment, suffocation or strangulation was observed as evidenced by one sleeping infant had a bib attached around the neck. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.092 Furniture, Equipment and Materials (1) (B) 2. G states: Cribs, portable cribs and playpens shall be free of soft objects, loose bedding or any object that can increase the risk of entrapment, suffocation or strangulation. Examples include bumper pads, pillows, quilts, comforters, sleep positioning devices, sheepskins, blankets, flat sheets, cloth diapers, bibs, pillow-like toys, wedges, infant positioners, special mattresses, special sleep surfaces, and other similar items. Correction Required Infant napping equipment shall be free of soft objects, loose bedding or any object that can increase the risk of entrapment, suffocation or strangulation.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 8/25/2022
Violation The requirements for equipment to be clean, in good condition and accessible were not met as evidenced by shelves in the preschool 3 & 4 year old room had areas of contact paper residue with dirt attached. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.092 Furniture, Equipment and Materials (2) (A) 1. states: Play equipment and materials shall be clean, in good condition with all parts intact and accessible to children. Correction Required Indoor play equipment, clean and in good repair, shall be accessible to children.
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Compliance Date
5 CSR 25-500.102 Personnel
| Provider Comments |
Violation The requirements for obtaining 12 clock hours each calendar year were not met. For the calendar year of 2021, the staff listed need the following information: Tawanna Reeder (1). Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.102 Personnel (3) (A) states: The center director, group child care home provider, all other caregivers, and those volunteers who are counted in staff/child ratios shall obtain at least twelve (12) clock hours of child-care related training during each calendar year. Clock hour training shall be approved by the department. Correction Required Required training hours shall be documented for each caregiver.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date 7/21/2022
Violation Documentation of caregiver completion of the facility orientation was not on file for the following staff: Brianna Hammons. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.102 Personnel (1) (L) states: The child care provider shall ensure that documentation of caregiver completion of the facility orientation is maintained and on file for review by the department. Correction Required Documentation of caregiver completion of the facility orientation shall be maintained and on file for review by the department as required.
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Compliance Date
Violation The facility did not conduct a Family Care Safety Registry screening for Darren Walker, who was hired on 12/7/21. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.102 Personnel (1) (P) states: The child care provider shall conduct a Family Care Safety Registry screening prior to employment for any newly hired child care staff member who has a qualifying criminal background check result. Correction Required Required results of the Family Care Safety Registry screening shall be on file.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date 7/26/2022
Violation The facility did not conduct a Family Care Safety Registry screening for Kirsten Hyland, who was hired on 8/24/22. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.102 Personnel (1) (P) states: The child care provider shall conduct a Family Care Safety Registry screening prior to employment for any newly hired child care staff member who has a qualifying criminal background check result. Correction Required Required results of the Family Care Safety Registry screening shall be on file.
Correction Verification Corrected on Site
Compliance Date 8/25/2022
Violation A caregiver did not obtain one clock hour of training for each month of employment. The staff listed need the following information: Milia Lonkausky (2.5), Debra Martley-Shelton (3) and Sumaiya Oyshi (2-Rcvd 6/20). Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.102 Personnel (3) (C) states: Caregivers who were employed after the first of the year shall obtain one (1) clock of hour training for each one (1) month of employment, regardless of the date employment began. Correction Required Required training hours shall be documented for each employee.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date 7/21/2022
5 CSR 25-500.112 Staff/Child Ratios
5 CSR 25-500.122 Medical Examination Reports
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Violation Medical examination report(s) was/were not on file for Kylar Peterson 6/21/22) Christian Lopez, Rachel Toomer, Nancy Fitzsimmons and Shanae Chase (6/21/22 as evidenced by a medical examination was not on file within 30 days of an individual beginning to work with children. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.122 Medical Examination Reports (1) (A) states: All persons working in a child care facility in any capacity during child care hours, including volunteers counted in staff/child ratios, shall be in good physical and emotional health with no physical or mental conditions which would interfere with child care responsibilities. These persons shall have a medical examination report, signed by a licensed physician or registered nurse who is under the supervision of a licensed physician, on file at the facility at the time of initial licensure or within thirty (30) days following employment. Correction Required Medical reports shall be on file as required.
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Compliance Date
Violation A medical examination report did not include either a completed Risk Assessment for Tuberculosis form or a negative tuberculin skin test (TST) within 12 months of the individual's begin date at the facility for the following staff: Kylar Peterson (6/21/22), Christian Lopez, Rachel Toomer, Nancy Fitsimmons and Shanae Chase (6/21/22). Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.122 Medical Examination Reports (1) (B) . states: Medical examination reports shall include either a Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment form, completed and signed by a health care professional, or a negative tuberculin skin test (TST) completed not more than twelve (12) months before beginning work in the facility. The Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment form, revised March 2014, is incorporated by reference in this rule, as published by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, PO Box 570, Jefferson City, MO 65102 and available by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services at https://health.mo.gov/living/healthcondiseases/communicable/tuberculosis/tbmanual/pdf/RiskAssessmentform.pdf. If the person has signs or symptoms of tuberculosis, or risk factors for tuberculosis, then testing for tuberculosis shall occur. Correction Required Medical examination reports shall include Risk Assessment for Tuberculosis forms or negative tuberulin skin test (TST) as required.
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5 CSR 25-500.132 Admission Policies and Procedures
5 CSR 25-500.142 Nighttime Care
5 CSR 25-500.162 Overlap Care of Children
5 CSR 25-500.172 Emergency School Closings
5 CSR 25-500.182 Child Care Program
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Violation The diapering table or other approved area was not cleaned thoroughly with a disinfectant after each use. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.182 Child Care Program (1) (E) 2. states: The diapering table shall be cleaned thoroughly with a disinfectant after each use. Correction Required The facility shall provide a safe diapering table and cleaned as required.
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Compliance Date
Violation Handwashing requirements were not met as evidenced by a caregiver did not wash his/her hands with soap and water after changing a child's diaper. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-500.182 Child Care Program (1) (E) 6. states: Caregivers changing diapers shall wash their hands with soap and running water each time after changing a child's diaper. Correction Required Caregivers shall wash their hands after each diaper change.
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Compliance Date
5 CSR 25-500.192 Health Care
5 CSR 25-500.202 Nutrition and Food Service
5 CSR 25-500.212 Transportation and Field Trips
5 CSR 25-500.222 Records and Reports
5 CSR 25-600.020 General Requirements
| Provider Comments |
Violation Criminal background check results were not on file for I'Munique Boody-McBride (3/3/22), Kylar Peterson (3/3/22), Darren Walker, Sumaiya Oyshi (3/15/22), Christian Lopez (3/3/22), Rachel Toomer (3/15/22), Rose Walker (6/21/22), Nancy Fitsimmons (6/21/22), Shanae Chase (3/15/22), Paige May (6/21/22) and Amanda DiLuzio (3/15/22). Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-600.020 General Requirements (1) states: Prior to the employment or presence of a child care staff member in a licensed, regulated, or registered child care facility not exempted by section 210.1080.13, RSMo, the child care provider shall request the results of a criminal background check for such child care staff member from the department. Correction Required Required results of criminal background checks shall be on file.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date
Violation Criminal background check results were not on file for Vanessa Anderson, Brianna Hammons and Kirsten Hyland. Licensing Rule Reference 5 CSR 25-600.020 General Requirements (1) states: Prior to the employment or presence of a child care staff member in a licensed, regulated, or registered child care facility not exempted by section 210.1080.13, RSMo, the child care provider shall request the results of a criminal background check for such child care staff member from the department. Correction Required Required results of criminal background checks shall be on file.
Correction Verification Submit Documentation
Compliance Date
5 CSR 25-600.040 Background Screening Findings
RSMo 210.115. Reports of abuse, neglect, and under age eighteen deaths — persons required to report — supervisors and administrators not to impede reporting — deaths required to be reported to the division or child fatality review panel, when — report made to another state, when. —
RSMo 210.211. License required - exceptions - written notice of licensure status, when.