You can find out how any licensed Missouri long-term care facility did on its last inspection. Below, select the county OR city in which the facility is located OR enter the facility's five-digit zip code. Then click ''ShowMeResults!''



PLEASE NOTE: Statements of Deficiencies and Plans of Correction prompted by full inspections, second inspections and complaint-only investigations that resulted in deficiencies after January 1, 2018, are available on this website approximately 30 days after all necessary re-visits have been completed.

Licensed long-term care facilities are required to publicly post their most recent inspection results in a location readily accessible to residents and the public. Interested parties may review Statements of Deficiencies and Plans of Correction that have not yet been posted to this website by obtaining them directly from the nursing home. If you are unable to obtain the statement of deficiencies from the nursing home, you may request the records using this form.