Missouri Resident Women's Health Profile

State: Missouri

Data YearsCountRateGraphics LinkDownload Data
Heart Disease
Deaths2011 - 202175,330152.42 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Hospitalizations2011 - 2015180,84492.95 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Lung Cancer
Deaths2011 - 202118,62940.04 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Cases2009 - 201825,80964.28 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Breast Cancer
Deaths2011 - 20219,38420.96 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Mastectomies2011 - 201512,1476.83 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Cases2009 - 201858,392156.54 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Cervical Cancer
Deaths2011 - 20219982.55 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Cases2009 - 20182,6408.31 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Stroke/Other Cerebrovascular Disease
Deaths2011 - 202119,69839.70 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Hospitalizations2011 - 201551,32825.90 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease
Deaths2011 - 202122,01146.22 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Hospitalizations2011 - 201542,65422.04 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Hip Fracture Hospitalizations2011 - 201523,36710.93 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Osteoarthritis Hospitalizations2011 - 201569,50335.27 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Diabetes Mellitus
Deaths2011 - 20217,85916.87 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Hospitalizations2011 - 201528,60717.47 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Pneumonia and Influenza
Deaths2011 - 20217,20314.58 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Hospitalizations2011 - 201568,65736.83 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Intentional Injury
Assault Injuries2011 - 201546,954330.68 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Self Inflicted Injuries2011 - 201521,825151.45 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Female Conditions
Inflammatory Pelvic Disease ER Visits2011 - 201549,2903.45 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Menstrual Disorder ER Visits2011 - 201538,4902.72 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Hysterectomies2011 - 201552,89936.20 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Smoking-Attributable (estimated)
Deaths2010 - 202044,59495.49 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Indicator constants and denominators for this Profile can be found here
* Fewer than 20 events in numerator; rate is unreliable.
Trends are available only if each 3-year period of the moving average has an average of 20 or more events.