Missouri Resident Death - Leading Causes Profile

State: Missouri

Data YearsCountRateGraphics LinkDownload Data
Leading Causes of Death
All Causes2011 - 2021681,258836.57 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Heart Disease2011 - 2021161,261193.54 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
All Cancers (Malignant Neoplasms)2011 - 2021141,670169.59 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Lung Cancer2011 - 202140,97548.31 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Breast Cancer2011 - 20219,47711.59 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Colorectal Cancer2011 - 202112,22114.80 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease2011 - 202141,74749.90 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Total Unintentional Injuries2011 - 202140,07456.94 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Accidental Poisoning2011 - 202113,89921.62 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Motor Vehicle Accidents2011 - 202110,09414.79 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Stroke/Other Cerebrovascular Disease2011 - 202133,63640.44 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Alzheimer's Disease2011 - 202125,66330.48 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Diabetes Mellitus2011 - 202117,23820.89 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Kidney Disease (Nephritis and Nephrosis)2011 - 202115,93119.14 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Pneumonia and Influenza2011 - 202113,39816.13 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Suicide2011 - 202111,76917.25 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Septicemia2011 - 20219,41211.40 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis2011 - 20217,6299.64 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Other Causes of Interest
Smoking-Attributable (estimated)2011 - 2021110,169131.17 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
All Injuries and Poisonings2011 - 202174,915104.69 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Homicide2011 - 20216,2369.82 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Alcohol-Induced Deaths2011 - 20216,2488.31 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Drug-Induced Deaths2011 - 202115,53324.04 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Accidental Drug Poisonings2011 - 202113,20920.60 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Injury by Firearms2011 - 202112,45818.64 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Indicator constants and denominators for this Profile can be found here
* Fewer than 20 events in numerator; rate is unreliable.
Trends are available only if each 3-year period of the moving average has an average of 20 or more events.
Causes of death at the left margin are listed in order from most to least prevalent statewide, except the seven grouped at the bottom. They are of lower rank or are non-rankable groups which include other causes, but are included due to special interest.