Missouri Resident Delivery Profile

State: Missouri

Data YearsCountRateGraphics LinkDownload Data
Non-hospital Live Births per 10002017 - 20219,43626.44 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
High Risk Not Delivered in OB Level II/III2017 - 20217485.82 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Cesarean Sections2017 - 2021106,57029.92 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
VBAC2017 - 20218,34016.56 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Fetal Deaths per 10002011 - 20214,6495.72 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Known Pregnancies202173,315100.00 Download Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Healthy Live Births/(Known Pregnancies)202162,39585.11 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Healthy Live Births/(Live Births + Fetal Deaths)202162,39589.57 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Abortions/Known Pregnancies20213,6534.98 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Indicator constants and denominators for this Profile can be found here
* Fewer than 20 events in numerator; rate is unreliable.
Trends are available only if each 3-year period of the moving average has an average of 20 or more events.