Missouri Resident Diabetes Profile

State: Missouri

Data YearsPopulation EstimateWeighted PercentGraphics LinkDownload Data
Risk factors for diabetes
Among adults without diabetes (County Level Study †)
Overweight without diabetes20161,252,30336.00 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Obesity without diabetes20161,177,16528.20 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Physical inactivity without diabetes20161,010,19124.20 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Among youth (YTS/YRBSS***)
Insufficient physical activity -- High School2019189,014100.00 
Insufficient physical activity -- Middle School2017123,50962.00 
Low fruit and vegetable intake -- High school2019232,90988.30 
Low fruit and vegetable intake -- Middle school2017163,05480.20 
Diabetes prevalence among adults
All adults >=18 years of age2020515,33710.80 
Age 18-44202062,9753.00 
Age 45-54202071,53010.50 
Age 55-642020129,62516.10 
Age 65+2020242,28722.30 
Annual household income
Less than $15000202062,37119.80 
Educational attainment
Less than high school202079,04415.90 
High school or GED2020166,42511.30 
Some post high school2020169,57711.20 
College or tech school graduate202098,2617.70 
Risk factors for complications among adults with diabetes
County Level Study †
Overweight with diabetes2016153,68828.90 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Obesity with diabetes2016168,57954.70 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Current smoking with diabetes2016115,93121.80 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Physical inactivity with diabetes2016168,57939.40 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Low fruit and vegetable intake with diabetes2016480,74190.40 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Preventative care practices among adults with diabetes
Teeth cleaned within past year2008 - 2010178,73651.60 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Current health coverage2018 - 2019970,16392.90 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
A1C tests within the past year - 0 to 1 tests2017 - 2019223,60525.80 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
A1C tests within the past year - 2 to 3 tests2017 - 2019391,92545.20 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
A1C tests within the past year - 4 or more tests2017 - 2019252,21829.10 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Annual foot exam by a health care professional2017 - 2019629,22881.30 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Last dilated eye exam - within the last year2017 - 2019607,46068.90 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Last dilated eye exam - more than 1 year but less than 2 years2017 - 2019107,32112.20 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Last dilated eye exam - 2 or more years2017 - 2019166,95118.90 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Daily self checks for blood glucose2017 - 2019508,24858.30 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Flu shot within the past year2018 - 2019540,39053.90 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Pneumonia vaccination2018 - 2019622,60264.50 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Self-management education course2017 - 2019501,55255.60 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Complications of diabetes for adults
Eye complications and/or diabetic retinopathy2017 - 2019161,03318.00 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Preventative care practices among adults with diabetes and hypertension
Currently on high blood pressure medicine2017 - 2019643,38091.40 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Indicator constants and denominators for this Profile can be found here
† County Level Study is a large sample survey that provides Missouri county-specific rates.
*** Data from the YTS (Youth Tobacco Survey) are used for middle school (grades 6-8) indicators. Data from the YRBSS (Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System) are used for high school (grades 9-12) indicators. Both surveys are school-based.
‡ Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is an annual survey that provides state and regional rates. Note that for county profiles, BRFSS rates for risk factors and prevalance are the BRFSS region rates, as data are not statistically stable below the regional level.
BRFSS and CLS indicators use a weighted percent.
Data YearsCountRateGraphics LinkDownload Data
Diabetes in pregnancy
Births to women with prepregnancy diabetes2017 - 20213,70310.37 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Births to women with gestational diabetes2017 - 202127,26076.37 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Emergency room visits for persons with diabetes
Diabetes as the principal diagnosis201513,0312.06 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Total charges201538,513,351 -  Download Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Diabetes as the principal or a secondary diagnosis2015188,02028.35 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Hospitalizations of persons with diabetes
Diabetes as the principal diagnosis2011 - 201559,62318.78 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Total charges2015358,310,842 -  Download Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Days of care201551,287 -  Download Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Diabetes as the principal or a secondary diagnosis2011 - 2015920,585265.06 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Total charges20157,802,287,458 -  Download Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Days of care2015968,526 -  Download Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Heart disease as the principal diagnosis2011 - 2015139,08338.82 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Ischemic heart disease as the principal diagnosis2011 - 201549,05813.64 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Lower extremity condition as the principal diagnosis2011 - 201535,04310.17 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Lower extremity amputation2011 - 20159,3332.65 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Acute myocardial infarction (AMI)2011 - 201525,8107.21 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Acute cerebrovascular disease2011 - 201524,4496.81 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Chronic renal failure2011 - 20158830.26 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Diabetes as underlying cause2011 - 202117,23820.89 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Diabetes as underlying or contributing cause2011 - 202153,56564.46 GraphicsDownload Data in Excel FormatDownload Data in PDF Format
Indicator constants and denominators for this Profile can be found here
* Fewer than 20 events in numerator; rate is unreliable.
Trends are available only if each 3-year period of the moving average has an average of 20 or more events.